Bìol. Tvarin, 2015, volume 17, issue 1, pp. 48–54


Ye. O. Dzen, I. V. Luchka, Y. T. Salyha, O. G. Malyk

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Institute of Animal Biology NAAS,
38 Stus str., Lviv 79034, Ukraine

The aim of the study was to measure certain biochemical parameters in bull blood serum and activity of antioxidant protection enzymes under feeding of 15-month-aged bull calves with Chromium (III) in Chromium methionine chelate form. Four time periods with 15 days each were applied. At the 1st (preparatory) period, animals received the basic ration (BR), while at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods animals received Chromium (III) chelate compounds (0.8 mg of pure metal per day for each animal), as a solution added to the morning watering. Blood was obtained from the jugular vein 2 hours after the morning feeding, at the start of the 1st period and at the end of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods, and certain biochemical parameters were measured in blood serum. It is shown that the introduction of Chromium (III) in its methionine chelate form during morning feeding increased the level of urea (Р<0.05) and decreased the level of ammonia in blood at the 45th and 60th days. It also decreased (Р<0.05) glucose concentration at the 45th day from the beginning of the experiment. At the same time, Chromium supplement did not affect the content of total blood protein and the activity of superoxide dismutase. Catalase activity increased (Р<0.05) at 45th and 60th days, while the activity of the glutathione peroxidase decreased (Р<0.05) at the 60th day of treatment. As Chromium methionine chelate caused an increase in antioxidant enzymes activity and in certain biochemical parametersof blood, we may conclude that adding organic Chromium to the feeding of bull calves is advisable.


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