The content of total lipids and their fractions profile in tissues of honeybee under feeding of native soybean meal and with the addition of chloride and citrate chromium

R. S. Fedoruk, L. I. Romaniv

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Institute of Animal Biology NAAS,
Stus str, 38 , Lviv, 79034, Ukraine

The effect of feeding with native soybean meal with addition of chromium chloride and citrate on lipid content and composition of the main factions in the tissues of head, thoracic and abdominal segments of a body of honeybees has been investigated. The study was conducted in the summer-autumn period on 3groups of honeybees of Carpathian breed, 3 bee families in the each group. Bees of control (I) group held for standard conditions, utilizing their accumulated stocks of cerago. In feeding of bees of experimental group (II) 200 grams of native soybean meal with the addition of 7.7 mg chromium chloride, or 1.5 mg Cr (III) were used. Bees of experimental group (III) in addition to the same amount (200 g / bee families/ week) of native varieties of soybean meal received the addition of chromium citrate equivalent to 60 mg Cr 3 +. Theexperiment lasted 35dayswith feeding intervals of 7 days. The control and experimental groups of bees, as bee farm were safe from infectious and parasitic diseases. At the final stage of feeding soybeans and chrome (Day 35) from each of beehive 3035 bees were selected, of which tissue samples for biochemical studies were formed. In tissue samples of honey bees the content of total lipids and quantitive composition of individual fractions have been determined.

The obtained results indicate a positive and of similar direction influence of native soybean ingredients and mix them with mineral and organic compounds of chromium added to it in different concentrations on the metabolism of total lipids and their individual classes in the tissues of different anatomical parts of the body of bees. The high biological influence of mineral (1.5 mg of Cr III) and organic (60 mg of Cr III) compounds on the relative content of individual lipid classes in the tissues of the head, chest and abdomen of bees of research groups has been established. The content of total lipids in these tissues remained unchanged at the level of control group.


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