Bìol. Tvarin, 2018, volume 20, issue 3, pp. 24–29


V. Y. Dunets, L. G. Slivinska

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Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S. Z. Gzhytsky,
50 Pekarska str., Lviv 79010, Ukraine

The article presents the results of the evaluation of the functional state of a liver in clinical healthy and ill with hepatosis laying hens of the “Loman Brown” breed at age 166, 300 and 530 days. The criterion for evaluation was the results of biochemical analysis of blood of laying hens.

According to the results, in laying hens with hepatosis liver function disorders have been detected, which were accompanied by hyperproteinemia and increased activity of hepatospecific enzymes. An increase in total protein in sick laying hens was observed at the age of 300 days — by 12.2 % (P<0.001), 530 days — by 13.4 % (P<0.01) in relation to the clinically healthy hens. The growth of ALT in blood serum of sick on hepatosis laying hens has been established at the age 166 and 300 days by 33.3 % (P<0.01, P<0.001) and by 66.7 % (P<0.001) at the age of 530 days and probable (P<0.001) growth of AST was established by 2.2; 2.1; 2.8 times relative to the values of the activity of these enzymes in the clinically healthy. Indicators have tendency to increase, both in the age aspect and in comparison with similar indicators of healthy hens.

The decrease in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood serum was established of ill laying hens at age 166 days (22.7 %; P<0.01), 300 (30 %; P<0.01), 530 (36.8 %, P<0.001) in accordance with the group of clinically healthy, which indicates a reduced protein synthesizing function of hepatocytes.

In addition, there was a decrease in the urea content in the blood serum of ill laying hens at all age groups (166 days — by 10.7 %, 300 — by 3.8 %, 530 — by 16 %), indicating a violation of the urinary and detoxification functions of the liver.

The level of uric acid was higher in blood serum in all groups of ill laying hens compared to clinical healthy ones, but decreased by 11.6 % and 10.7 %, respectively, with respect to the laying hens at age 166 days.

The increase of activity of alkaline phosphatase in blood serum in ill laying hens at age 166 days by 8.7; 300 — in 4.1 and 530 — in 6.5 times testifies to the defeat of the biliary tract.

The intensity of violations of the functional state of the liver depends on many factors, in particular on the age, physiological state of the organism and the development of the pathological process.


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