CONCEPT OF LIPID POWER quail parent stock

M. Sychov

National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine,

Geroyv Oborony str., 15, Kiev, 03041, Ukraine

The paper presents the results of an experimental study optimal lipid levels and sources of fodder for egg quail parent stock. These numerous research leading scholars on the lipids role and their balance in diets of birds different species, what confirm possibility and expedience of development of the differentiated norms of power feed of bird of different kinds and groups of the production setting. The material for scientific and economic experiments were full of ancient Japanese quail species. According to the principle of analogues were formed in the first series of three experimental groups: control and two experimental in the second — four: control and three experimental. In the first series of studies determined the optimal fat content of fodder for quail breeder, the second — the best source of lipids. Found that the use of feeding quail hens feed with the level of 7 % reduction in fat mass of eggs by 6,3% and leads to increased embryonic mortality during incubation of eggs by 4,2 and 4,5 %, whereas the use of feed containing 5% fat and different sources of lipids does not affect the mass of eggs. It is discovered that the use of the mixed fodders in feeding of laying hens with content of fat 5 % but does not influence the different lipids sources on mass of eggs, them morphological and chemical composition, digestible of nutritive, balance of nitrogen, morphological and biochemical indexes of blood. Principles of lipid nutrition quail parent stock with the level and sources of fat include the use of feed with rapeseed oil and fat and 5 %.

Keywords: fats level, fats source, quail, oviposition, the intensity of oviposition, egg weight, fertility, egg hatchability, OUTPUT young, STRUCTURE OF INCUBATION WASTE

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