Bìol. Tvarin, 2016, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 51–58



I M. Kurbatova, M. O. Zakharenko

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National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
11 Geroiv Oborony str., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine

The effect of anabolic steroids such as nandrolone and deworming albendazole on carp fish depends on their concentrations in the water and is associated with a change in a number of morphological, physiological and biochemical mechanisms in the process of adaptation to the effects of xenobiotics water as it was shown by studies of total and fractional composition of blood plasma protein. The model experiments carried out on the two-year carps to investigate the influence of anthropogenic xenobiotics on the fractional composition of blood plasma proteins revealed that the non-durable exposition (72 hours) and low nanrolone concentration (0.1 mg/dm3 for the first research group and 0.5 mg/dm3 for the second research group) in water in aquariums caused changes in protein content of molecular weight 25, 35–50, 100–140 kDai with constant rates in other fractions. With increase of nandrolone concentration in aquarium water to 1.0 mg/dm3 content of proteins with molecular weight of more than 450 kDa increased by 91 %, 340 kDa— 78 %, 260 kDa — 101 %, 70 kD — 149 %, 50 kDa — 111 %, 25–50 kDa — 35–62 % compared tothe control. We can make the conclusion that anabolic steroids at low concentrations in the water do not affect and at high concentrations stimulate the protein synthesis processes in tissues of carp yearlings.

Non-long stay (12 hours) of carps in the aquarium with a concentration of deworming albendazole 0.2 mg/l in water changed only some of the fractions of blood plasma protein in fish. Increase of concentrations of albendazole in water to 0.5 mg/L and particularly to 1.0 mg/l affected the protein spectrum of blood plasma in fish reducing the content of the most proteins with low and high molecular fractions.

The investigated xenobiotics nandrolone and albendazole at the indicated concentrations in the water and a short exposure did no affect the behavior of fish, the number of respiratory movements and tomographic indicators of their organs.

Status of integument and organoleptic characteristics of the organs in fish of research group under the influence of different concentrations of nandrolone and albendazole did not differ from the similar characteristics in the carps of control group.

The results suggest an important role of fish blood plasma proteins in mechanisms of their adaptation to the effects of water xenobiotics, particularly the anabolic steroid nandrolone and deworming albendazole.


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