Bìol. Tvarin, 2015, volume 17, issue 3, pp. 72–78


H. V. Maksymyuk

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Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Galician,
Pekarska st., 69, Lviv, 79010, Ukraine

The research results aim to clarify the characteristics of relationship between Ca2+, K+, Na+ concentration parameters in semen plasma, spermatozoa and their ratios in the bull semen of different breeds and age with quality parameters of native and thawed sperm.

Over 9 years we received and evaluated 230 samples of sperm out of three research groups of bulls. We discovered that high and low semen quality of ejaculates has individually constant, opposite parameters of low (17…24 mM), medium (36…43 mM) and high (60…69 mM) K+ concentration.

Over 3 years the technologists got 568, 523, 522 native and 470, 339, 308 thawed high quality ejaculates out of three bulls from three research groups (MCK, LCK, HCK) of black and white Holstein breed. In the MCK group we found the lowest percentage of native non-diluted ejaculates of lower quality — 10 %; in LCK and HCK groups the number is 1.7–2.4 times larger than in MCK. After acting with staged dilution on sperm and equilibration of semen the average of their mobility was 7–8 points.

In the thawed sperm of MCK group the amount of ejaculates, where sperm motility was less than 3 points, accounted for 17 %; in LCK and HCK groups — 35 % and 41 % respectively. 98, 184 and 214 ejaculates were rejected in the research groups. This suggests that the K+ concentration in spermal plasma and sperm ejaculates of different breeds of bulls, along 2–10 years has individually constant, but opposite parameters. The least number of poor quality ejaculates was found in the MCK group.

The research results could be an important argument for in-depth understanding of transmembrane homeostasis changes of ions in inorganic molecules and organic compounds in the open and closed systems such as «environment-cell»; for disclosing peculiarities of the protective influence of cryoprotectants on sperm; search for the controls on functional activity of ion transportation systems — the effectors of new generation.


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