Bìol. Tvarin, 2017, Volume 19, Issue 2, pp. 30–36


I. Dvylyuk, I.I. Kovalchuk

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Institute of animal biology NAAS,
38 V. Stus str., Lviv 79034, Ukraine

The article presents the results of researches of the egg laying intensity by the bee queens in the spring period. The researches were conducted on the three groups of melliferous bees of Carpathian breed, 3 bee families in each group. Bees of the 1st (control) group were kept at stationary conditions and fed sugar syrup (1000 ml/week/bee family). Bees of the 2nd research group at the analogous conditions obtained additional feeding by sugar syrup with adding to it 0.2 Mg of Ag and Cu in the form of citrate and the 3rd research group obtained Ag and Cu in doses 0.5 mg of each on 1000 ml of sugar syrup on bee family. Research period lasted for 36 days. Indicators of bee queens egg laying intensity was determined by the method of counting the amount of number of sealed brood using a frame — a net with squares 5×5 cm a separate square of which includes 100 bee pantries. Count was conducted by direct overlay of the frame — net on honeycombs with mature sealed brood with the interval of 12 days while bee brood is sealed during 12 days. By counting this sum of sealed pantries of all the squares by one measuring and by dividing this amount by 12, the indicator of bee queens’ middle-daily egg laying intensity was obtained. Control of such 12 daily stages was conducted in preparatory and research periods.

According to the results of the researches during the entire research period bee queens of the control (1st), 2nd and 3rd research groups oviposited 90647; 101717, and 105166 eggs, respectively. Probable inter group differences of egg laying were marked at feeding bee families pure sugar syrup and with adding to it citrates Ag and Cu. Amount of oviposited eggs in the 2nd and 3rd research groups during the research period was higher accordingly by 12.21 % and 16.01 % in comparison to the control group. The highest intensity of egg laying of the bee queens of all three groups was observed on the 3rd and 4th stages of the research.

Indexes of increase of mass and force of nest for all experimental period in 2nd in 3rd experimental group increased on 40.15 % (1.78 kg, 8.90 bee space) and in 3rd group was increased on 44.8 % (1.840 kg, 8.11 bee space) relative to the control group was 1.270 kg and 6.35 bee space. Research results specify on expediency of application of citrates of Ag and Cu for stimulation of vital functions of bee colony and increasing the reproductive ability of queen bees during their intensive egg laying.


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