LOCATION FEATURES OF lymphoid tissue in immune formations of the small intestine and Meckel’S diverticulum walls in ducks

VTKhomych, TAMazurkevych

gistology_chair@twin.nauu.kiev.ua; mazur@faust.kiev.ua

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Heroyiv Oborony st., 11, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine

Mucous associated lymphoid tissue has a special place in the immune system, forming the first protective barrier against antigens that enter the body with food and air. In birds 70 % of lymphoid tissue that forms the parenchyma of peripheral immune organs localized in the mucosa of tubular digestive organs. Recently, in the literature there have been reports that lymphoid tissue in tubular digestive organs of waterfowl (geese, musk ducks) can not be localized only in the mucosa, but also in muscularis. In this context, the aim of the study was to determine the features of lymphoid tissue localization in immune formations (Peyer’s patches) of the small intestine wall of ducks and Meckel diverticulum in postnatal period ontogenesis. Established that lymphoid tissue in Peyer’s patches of duck small intestine and Meckel’s diverticulum located in the mucosa and muscularis of the wall. Lymphoid tissue appears in mucosa of small intestine Peyer’s patches and Meckel’s diverticulum from one-day-old ducks, and in the muscle — from 10–20-day-old ducks. Its full morphofunctional maturity is reached in 15-day-old ducks, and in muscularis — in 15–25-day-old birds. Area of lymphoid tissue in the mucosa of duodenal and ileum Peyer’s patches increased to 210-day-old ducks and jejunum — to 150-day-old age. Lymphoid tissue of these structures in the muscularis occupies the largest area in 150-day-old ducks. Lymphoid tissue in the mucosa of Meckel’s diverticulum takes up the largest area in 20-day-old ducks, and in muscularis — in 150-day-old ducks.

Keywords: Ducks, small intestine, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, Meckel diverticulum, lymphoid tissue, diffuse lymphoid tissue, prenodules, primary lymphoid nodules, secondary lymphoid nodules

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