Bìol. Tvarin, 2017, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 37–43


VFGalat1, V. A. Chorniy2


1National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15 Heroiv Oboronу str., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine

2Odesa State Agrarian University,
13 Panteleimon
іvska str., Odesa 65012, Ukraine

The experiments supposed to determine changes in the overall rate of cellular and humoral immunity in the complex treatment of cestodosis in Tsigal breed of sheep. Indices were determined by conventional methods before the experiment, on the 5th and 9th day. As composite medicines brovadazol 5 % and gamavit in recommended by manufacturer doses were used.

Before the start of experiment the amount of leucocytes in the animals of experience groups was significantly megascopic compared to the the animals of control group. Other indexes of blood in animals of experience groups of cellular and humoral immunity also were characteristic for the state of tension of the immune system. An amount of circulatory immune complexes in separate research animals had diminished, that specifies on formation of immune complexes and is characteristic for formation of complexes antigen-antibody.

On the 5th day the correlation of most indexes didn’t change, but insignificant increase of white blood cell count coincided with the terms of freeing parasites of cestodosis and can be characteristic for normalization of inflammation in the place of fixing and by the decrease of toxins content. On 9th day most indexes of immune response approached to normal. Normalization of functional activity of CD 8 indicates the decrease in the concentration of metabolites of pathogens from dead cestodes. In spite of positive dynamics they did not attain the level of animals in control group, which can be related with the changes of reactivity of organism as a result of irritation of blood production organs with exo- and endotoxins of cestodes and the development the secondary general pathological processes, which are manifested by activation of the primary ways through neurohumoral and immune system.


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