Bìol. Tvarin, 2016, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 59–67



M. M. Kushch

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Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy,
1 Akademichna str., 1, Mala Danylivka, Kharkiv region, Dergachi district, 62341, Ukraine,
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The results of the experimental research of the histological structure of gut submucosus and myentericus nervous plexuses of domestic geese (Anser anser) of Large Grey breed in 13 ages groups (from 1 day to 5 years old) are presented in the article. The definition of topography, quantity and square of nervous plexuses ganglions was made on transverse sections of 5 intestines: duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum and rectum.

It is stated that enteric nervous system (parasympathetic part of vegetative nervous system of gut) contains two plexuses — myentericus (plexus Auerbachi) and submucosus (plexus Meissneri) which are presented by nerve nodes and bundles connecting them. The subserosus nervous plexus were not found. In addition, unlike in mammals in geese the ganglions and nerve bundles of myentericus plexuses are located not between internal and external layers but between muscle cells of external layer of tunic muscular. On transverse sections of intestines the myentericus ganglions predominantly are oval or round while submucosus have the form of narrow strips of nervous tissue which are located in the submucosus. Despite significant increase of thickness of tunica muscular and tunica mucosa of gut with age, the middle quantity of ganglions of myentericus and submucosal plexuses does not increase and swings around certain average values. In the gut of geese from 1 day to 5 years old the smallest quantity of myentericus and submucosus ganglions is found in caecum and the biggest quantity — in ileum. The general regularity of size dynamic of myentericus and submucosal ganglions of geese gut is the increase of its average square with age. In poultry of different ages the smallest area of myentericus and submucosus ganglions is established to be located in caecum, and the highest — in duodenum and rectum.


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