Bìol. Tvarin, 2016, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 25–35



А. V. Hunсhak, YaM. Sirko, B. Ya. Kyryliv, V.О.Кystsіv, B. B. Lisna, C. І. Koretchuk, О. M. Stefanyshyn, М. V. Каminska, U. A. Martunyuk

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Institute of Animal Biology NAAS,
38 Stus str., Lviv 79034, Ukraine

The data about the effective using of plant extracts in the poultry to intensify digestion, increasing productivity and obtaining high quality products are summarized in this article.

The different mixtures of herbal extracts positively influenced on the digestibility of the birds forage. This is due to ability of the herbal additives in the diet to stimulate saliva production, gastric and pancreatic juices enzymes secretion; to enhance the hydrolytic enzymes activity; to increase the villis volume and crypts depth of the intestinal walls. The improvement of digestion in the small intestine can be connected with indirect side effect of herbal extract components. This effect is stabilized by microbial eubiosis that enhances the nutrients absorption. The supplement of herbal extract (5 % carvacrol, 3 % cinnamaldehyde and 2 % capsycum oleoresin) in the amount of 100 mg/kg of forage mobilizes microcytes in the glandular stomach epithelium surface and the increasing neutral mucopolysaccharides.

The study of herbal extracts mixtures (capsaicin, cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol or ethereal oils from oregano, cinnamon, thyme and chili) instead of antibiotics as a growth stimulant has showed the same conversion level of forage nutrients into production. The application of various plants ethereal oils combination to diet causes a better the productive effect. Thus, the synergistic effect of oil mixtures cinnamaldehyde and eugenol was observed in experiments in vitro. Their mixture can completely inhibit the four bacterias species growth longer than 30 days, unlike results with obtained under the individual addition of these components. The antifungal and antibacterial activities of marigolds individual oil components (carotenoids, ocimene, pinene, sabinene, thymol, citral, lynalool, terpinene) have been shown.

At watering the eucalyptus leaves infusion 1.2 ml/day the laying hens performance increases by 1,74 % (89,28 % compared to 87,54 % in control). However, the poultry egg production was higher (6–9 %) at using the phytopreparation during the first four weeks of the experiment. The literature data show that the introduction of 10 % celandine tincture to quails diet (0.07 ml/kg body weight) leads to rising birds weight in 0,9–1,5 % compared to control. The forage nutrients transformation to quails production increases because the celandine contains alkaloids flavonoids, saponins, carotene, vitamin C, etc.

The application of feed additives from unconventional vegetable raw materials (Echinacea purpurea, eleutherococcus, sage, sweet clover, valerian, wild rose, kalgan, rhodiola) to laying hens and broiler chickens forages provides the yield of eggs and meat of high quality in poultry. These data indicated the increasing the Calcium, Phosphorus, Ferum and Zinc in eggs and carotenoids and vitamin A in yolk. The content of Zinc, Mangan and Ferum in the muscle and bone tissues of broiler chickens increases, those testify about improving of their biological properties at such conditions. The positive effect of dried marigold petals phytopreparate on broiler chickens meat quality has been shown. Feeding up the poultry in their diet by composition of echinacea, sage, valerian, wild rose, kalgan, rhodiola extracts increases the broiler chickens carcass weight on 3,9–4,1 % and laying hens — in 5,2–28,8 %.


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